The goal of the Yoga Directory is to connect yoga students to yoga classes to make a positive impact in the world.
I've been practicing mindfulness for a decade. In the last few years I've been exploring ways to get more active and yoga has been a great way to add movement, stretching, and exercise to my mindfulness practice.
My personal challenge with yoga has been… it is harder to learn by yourself than mindfulness. Asana is the physical practice of yoga poses. For safety reasons, I found it more comfortable training with an experienced yogi to help guide me and to learn proper posture and movements.
Doing it alone, I struggled to build a consistent practice because I never felt confident or a sense of mastery of the poses, sequences, or how to best align my mindfulness practice.
To better my own practice I am trying to work with more seasoned yogis and trying different styles and classes.
As safety is important I want others to also be able to find experienced teachers to help guide them on this journey and honestly, that is what this site is all about.
I want to live my best, most healthy, and thriving life and I want others to thrive and be happy as well. I think yoga might really help with this and I truly believe community is also an important part of success.
I hope with this site and community we will be able to build stronger relationships between Yogis and students. I hope we will be able to practice deeper, and more safely, and take everything we learn out into the world making a positive impact.
So if you are a new or seasoned yoga practitioner, or a Yogi, or even a Yoga Studio, let's join together to build a thriving community. Share your studio or provide feedback and ratings on your favorite studios or yoga instructor to help others find the right class for them. Thank you and Namaste!
Do a search for a local class
One of the biggest challenges early on is finding the right class for your needs. Click the Start Search button and see if we have studio listings in your area.
Explore the different styles, features, or locations
Ideally we will be adding studios and resources that cater to many and hopefully you find your needs, requirements, and interests met.
Find a schedule that works for you and attend a class
The true test for reaching success is taking action. Get out there and try a few classes. Do not give up if the first class doesn't go well. Maybe try another class, or time, or style to find what best serves you.
Find a yoga class in a few easy steps!
I want to make this site easy to find classes in your area. Try it out and if your area is not populated yet, reach out to me and I'll start getting the local studios listed in your area.
I know we are unable to serve the global community yet, but if we work together we may one day be able to serve a large community and I believe make a real impact on people's lives and the world at larch so test things out grow your practice and if you need support let us know.
Start A SearchDo a search for your studio or yoga business
If your business is already listed, CLAIM IT by clicking the top button in the listing's sidebar. This will have you set up your account and allow you to start making edits to your listing.
If you are not listed yet, get listed today!
Fill out all the details and add as much info as possible to attract the right students. Don't forget to add photos, your website, full and complete address, your phone number, class hours, types of classes or yoga styles offered, and anything that will help make it easy for students to attend your next open class.
Ask current students to add reviews on your listings
Let's be honest… we all need to know, like, and trust you and your business in order to want to attend one of your classes. Getting some of your top students raving about you really helps new students want to join your class. So DO NOT OVERLOOK HOW POWERFUL REVIEWS CAN BE and how this is a big benefit to your listing.
Leverage a business listing to help fill your classes and find ideal students!
In business it is important to be where your customers are. I hope this is one powerful tool to reach your students.
Marketing a business can be tricky. In my mind if you are great at what you do and you serve customers well word of mouth is a powerful marketing to but it is unpredictable. This is why I want to bring teachers and students together to help both find an easy way to connect allowing each to be better for the connection. So if you have a yoga-based business that truly serves and supports it's people, then I want you to be on the site. Get listed today or claim your listing and make the edits that help your students find you.
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Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod maecenas.
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